How It Works

Global model

  • All bets will be possible with the hard currency [USDT, USDC, BUSD] or main cryptocurrency, for example: MATIC, BNB, DOT, ATOM, SOL, NEAR etc.

  • All payment is made automatically within 5 minutes using an exorbitant gas price.

  • Each month 10% of earnings from the commissions will be used to redeem the tokens of MBTS and their returns to the Reward Pool.

  • Holders MBTS and users of the platform will receive distributions and AirDrops.


  1. 10% from revenue from the MoonBets platform will be used to buy back MBTS on public exchanges and returns to the Reward Pool.

  2. 90% from revenue from the MoonBets platform will be used to buy back MBTS on public exchanges and be deposited in Treasury for redistribution.


MBTS holders will be able to participate in community governance, trading discounts and other member rights by staking MBTS. According to the amount of staking, the staker can get a certain percentage of the staking reward, which comes from MoonBets Treasury.

70 million tokens from "Ecosystem" will be linearly distributed over 4 years, by ~ 1.5 million per month. The remaining tokens will redeem 10% of the profits and add to the Reward Pool.


The Treasury is the backup revenue pool of MoonBets and is responsible for receiving, management, distribution and regularly publish financial data in the community. The income MoonBets will be used to redeem MBTS on the open market within the regular period of the block and deposit in Reward Pool.

The Treasury For The Payments intended for the payment of winning bets. The rest of the unused money will get to the main Treasury for redistribution.

Referral system

  • Each referral will be tied to the address of the wallet, if you lose access no one can change the address of the inviting.

  • If the invited user loses the bet you do not get anything.

  • Commission from the invited is paid in the currency bets.

All percentages will be calculated before opening the platform. Variants will be voted in the community.

Last updated